Our Products

Our Available APIs

Add capabilities to your CRM with our APIs and enable your professional users' adverts to get access instantly to thousands of trading users in Europe.


OLX Partner APIs are an interface through which you, as a Partner, can connect to get access to our online marketplaces in Europe.
Integrating your inventory management system with our APIs will enable your professional clients to easily list and manage hundreds or thousands of ads on our marketplaces in real time!

API features

Discover our API features

Our APIs can be used to add and manage your users inventory in our integrated European Marketplaces.

Your users can publish, modify, deactivate, or delete exported ads from your inventory management system.
You can also give your users the possibility of reading messages from potential buyers, promote their ads, and viewing their account details, including the invoice expiration date, directly from your system.

Some features still need to be available in some of the Marketplaces.
We’re working on getting them everywhere as soon as we can.

Ready to dive in?
Start your integration today.