Hidden price

The following table shows the parameters and attributes you must provide in the payload depending on the marketplace and category to set the hidden price (you can use any combination that is shown). It is very important to implement this process correctly, taking into account the differences that already exist - otherwise the price will not be hidden or an error will be returned.

InvestmentUnit (part of Investment)Single advert
price=0 + hide-price
price>0 + hide-price
price=0 + hide-price
price>0 + hide-price
price=0 + hide-price
price>0 + hide-price
price=0 + hide-price
price>0 + hide-price
price>0 + hide-priceNot possible to hide the price
Storiaprice=0 + hide-price
price>0 + hide-price
price=0 + hide-price
price>0 + hide-price
Not possible to hide the price